robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, January 10, 2022

New Week - The Famicom


It's Monday and you know what that means? It's the start of a new week here on Planet Zone! I spent the weekend running around more than I'd like. However I did get some downtime and enjoyed some sushi while watching 1,000 lbs Sisters. Good food and bizarre TV. I failed to locate a Studio Series Soundwave. Those Bumblebee movie figures are impossible for me to ignore.

I did get a Cybertron Dead End and an Origins Buzz-Off. Not too shabby. Still looking for that Arrow ATV accessory set on the Final Faction front and some new Transformers that are just trickling out. I do plan on stocking up on more MOTU, especially new Eternia Minis. Not to mention some other GIJOE and Power Rangers figures. It never ends.

I've got a fun week in mind. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for continuing to support Zone Base and please share with your friends. It's hard to believe it's already Halloween time, but I guess it's January. I'm in a spooky mood as usual. It's as any a good time for something scary.

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