robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Cannonball [Star Raiders Collection/Deluxe Class]

I've been a big fan of the Walmart Exclusive Transformers Legacy series as they're just so cool. Somehow, I've hardly covered them here on the site until the Star Raider Collection, which I've managed to completely showcase. That was a weird way to reflect on the series while also acknowledging that today's space pirate is the last of the series. Like Lockdown, Canonball was a Christmas gift from the Mrs. who spoils me every year.

Cannonball has pretty much always been a pirate character, though his crew tends to change depending on fictional setting. As a toy, he's always been a repaint. The original was a repaint of the Deluxe Cybertron Red Alert figure. This new one is the latest use of the Legacy Skids mold. That mold itself has seen more miles than a long haul tractor trailer with multiple repaints and remolds. Cannonball specifically is a repaint/remold of Crankcase. I have Crankcase, but don't think I've covered him here. Despite the reuse of prior molds, Crankcase and Cannonball almost feel like completely different engineering. There's only been two Cannonball figures, but ironically he's been a Walmart exclusive twice. The original was reissued in an exclusive set, while this new figure is from the Star Raiders collection.

Cannonball is very similar to his original design, but now turning into a crossover style SUV while the original was a Dodge Magnum. Which was a station wagon that was pretty popular at the time. Cannonball has a new head that looks almost just like the original as well as the original's laser hand. There's a claw and hammer accessory that can fit on the laser hand and store in his legs. He's holding the hammer in my pic as I wanted to show it off, but apparently in not the very best way. One nice touch is the Cyber Key. It doesn't unlock anything... but is a nice nod to the past. The key is sporting a Star Seeker insignia, and that's really cool.

Another nice touch is the skeleton graphics on the original toy's car doors are replaced with a Vok one. The Vok resemble a flaming skull, so it's a really nice Easter Egg. Like all the other instances of this mold, like Burn Out, transformation is easy and articulation is plentiful. It's really neat how much this toy looks like the original. The Star Seeker Collection was fun to collect as was the exclusive sets prior. I'm sad to see it over, but as Cannonball was originally a Cybertron toy, I feel like him ending this series makes a nice segway to this years Walmart set. An all Cybertron themed collection to celebrate the series 20th anniversary. So look forward to more Cyber Key action later this year!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

MechaGodzilla [Monster Egg Series Godzilla]

There's something magical about classic MechaGodzilla. Sure, more modern takes are extra awesome looking and super badass... but there's no denying the classic sci fi charm and style of his era. You can laugh at his rainbow colored beams all you want... but he did draw blood. Those fights with Godzilla were specifically gory and it was this version that did the damage. While we're talking about his far out looks and hardcore fighting... let's look at his egg monsters toy. Like any Bandai transforming egg, he's well done.

Minimal articulation, but that's common for this type of toy. He looks pretty great in both modes. Robot mode looks pretty spot on, maybe a little extra round, but that's another side effect of this type of toy. You expect it. Egg form looks like some sort of crazy bomb G-Force devised to stop these monsters and run off the evil space aliens. Or since this MechaGodzilla is from space and working for those evil space aliens... maybe it's something they made for us! I haven't mention yet that this series is a reissue set and they were originally released in 2014. It's super cool Bandai did this and had it at Target. The Mrs saw them and knew they'd make perfect stocking stuffers because of that. So many  people are complaining about the price of eggs these days, but these ones are priceless to me.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Red Alert [Galaxy Version 03 The Autobot Run]

I've always liked Red Alert. It's hard not to after Auto Berserk, an episode where his paranoia gets kicked into overdrive leading him off the deep end. Toy wise, it's the deco that wins me over. I've always liked a police car deco, and the fire chief variation is even better. That white and red just pop in a specific way that looks great. Normally, G1 Red Alert is a repaint of Sideswipe and that's the case in Blokees as well.

This time they've given him a different helmet to be show accurate and frankly as Red Alert, it feels like a more premium version of the toy. It just looks great! Aside from the helmet and colors, everything else is the same as Sideswipe, including the double set of hands and display base with symbols. Red Alert may think everyone's out to get him, but with a toy like this, can you blame them?

Monday, February 10, 2025

Shoot, it's Monday

I could do for another few days off, but the weekend is over and Monday is here. I had a pretty great weekend even though not much was done. Unfortunately, the Mrs caught my cold as I was getting better and spent the weekend not feeling so great. I recover extremely fast from being sick, but unfortunately it took a toll on her. I spent most of the weekend taking care of her and playing my Evercade EXP-R. I did get out to the store for some needed items, unfortunately Walmart still hasn't restocked from Christmas. The first quarter is always a bit barren for toy stock, but piles of unsold toys makes it hard to not feel a little down. Transformers One was a great movie and those are good toys! I'm glad it's found success on streaming, but wish the unsold stock from it (and Earthspark) would move sooner than later. Cyberworld doesn't look like it will show up until later in the year, so thankfully what's going on now won't hold it up.

I did order Transformers Legacy United Armada Universe Wheeljack from Amazon. So, I didn't come out of the weekend empty handed. It and the Optimus I ordered last week will come in soon. I've enjoyed Legacy, but the coming Age of the Primes toys look like a fun Generations line and a suitable replacement for Legacy. If anything, I'll be be happy for the easier name. When I wasn't playing video games this weekend, I kept up with convention news. Hasbro had a booth at Megacon and showed off some exciting new Transformers coming this year.

I was more excited for the news that came from Wonderfest this weekend. The winter 2025 show did not disappoint with cool reveals. My beloved 52toys shown off so much cool stuff... it was jaw dropping. BeastBox is going to be great this year. Not to mention Mad Cars looks like a lot of fun. There's always room for Inchmen on Zone Base! Of course all the cool garage kits were fun to look at. As always there was fun Godzilla, SplatterHouse, and Microman stuff available that really grabbed my attention. That's not selling the other things short either, just man,  I was blown away! Well, it's time to get the day started. I've got some household chores to be done and pictures for upcoming posts to take. I'm really excited for the things 2025 looks to be bringing. Thank you all for reading Zone Base. I know it's just a small podunk site, but this is a labor of love and fun to share my hobbies with all of you. There's no ads, no affiliate links, or any sort money talk around here. All I ask is that you share the site with your friends! That and I hope everyone has a great week! Mutal High Fives!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Geocron [Legacy United/Core Class]

It's time to look at another Armorizer, a favorite group of Transformers around here on Planet Zone. Armorizers are a fun combination of Rock Lords, Mutores, and The Rock People of Daira. Georcron's head sculpt in particular is based on one of those Daira residents in particular as was Calcitron. Armorizers have been a fun throw back to a time when transforming toys were certainly more imaginative. Also... I really like Rock Lords, so they've been a fun thing for me on a personal level.

Geocron might be the last Armorizer sadly (I haven't seen any more listed), so it's fitting that he uses the same mold as Bouldercrash, whom was one of the first. I really liked Bouldercrash, so the use is a welcome one. Unlike the other Armorizers, it's not specified what type of rock Georcron is composed of. It's pretty obvious by his colors and name that Geocron is a geode. That works pretty well as I'm taking that as a Jewel Lord reference, even if it's unintentional. It's also not clear if this is a male or female, so I've been referring to it as a him generically. Georcron is a mixture of browns with a metallic purple color showing through at parts. It's surprisingly nice looking as that purple really contrasts sharply against the brown.

Transformation to rock bike is easy, and his weapon mode can be formed from vehicle mode or during transformation as it's not much more than an extension of vehicle mode. I didn't take a picture of it here, but there's one in Bouldercrash's post. Speaking of weapon, Geocron has the same as Bouldercrash... a sort of rock sword thing. It's hard to describe without sounding silly, but it looks neat. I like to think it shoots an energy beam. Geocron looks great and by all counts is a pretty solid toy. If he is the last Armorizer, he's a good one to go out on. I've been really fond of the Armorizers and hate to see them go. It's nice to see that Infernac, a setting from Inhumanoids, get revisited and offer a new Transformers life form while at it. Ever since Rokkon and Stonedar I've been hooked on transforming rock toys and a new set was and still is exhilarating for me as a fan. Geocron, and all the Armorizers is awesome. It's a rock fact.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Mothra [Monster Egg Series Godzilla]

I love kaiju and transforming egg toys and by God, Bandai makes the best of both worlds. Hailing from the Monster Egg Series Godzilla toys the Mrs. gave me at Christmas is this super rad. Mothra usually appears in either larva or adult form, so this toy features both! That was a super neat surprise when I opened up Mothra's package. The larva actually combines with the moth's underside and the egg shells form around the two creating a neat egg. The same egg shells are Mothra's wings and the entire thing is super cool and creative. Admittedly, I'm not a great photographer, so Bandai's site offers some better looks at the toy. I mean damn, I have her sitting on the lid from a Yankee Candle. A lesser company would have just made a moth that transformed into an egg, but Bandai is just the best. Just the best. I like the toy, btw.

Mothra, o Mothra
Through thy magical life energy
Accept the prayers of thy humble servants
Arise and
Show us your magic power