
Monday, February 19, 2024

Be careful, it's Monday

It's the start of another week on Zone Base. Thanks for coming back and reading! My weekend was pretty restful, though I think a little more sleep would be great. The Mrs and I stayed home for the most part, but I did get out for a little bit and picked up a few things. Well, prior to going out, I had The Mandelorian from the new Star Wars Epic Hero Series on our grocery order. This is a new series of 4" figures at a fairly low cost. I had been interested since seeing them online and now I've clearly got the bug. I'll be including one a week on my grocery order for the time being. 

A quick run for some stuff included a stop at Target where I picked up a Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron blind box. Not to be outdone, I finally found the new Turtles of Grayskull figures and picked up Donatello. On the Transformers front I found the Gamer Edition Starscream. The first quarter of the year can be tricky for toy purchases, but I get by. With my birthday around the corner, I also know some additional fun is on the way.

Well, I suppose it's time to stop watching Beast Machines on the TF channel and get some stuff done around the house. Thank you for reading Zone Base. As usual, there's a fun week planned. Please share the site with your friends and mutal high fives all around!

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