robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Quake with Heater and Tiptop [Legacy United/Deluxe Class]

Quake is a slightly obscure member of the original Transformers cast who made his debut as a Targetmaster in 1988 and didn't have another toy (officially) until 2017 in Titans Return. I loved Titans Return style figures, but it is nice that his third and newest toy is another Targetmaster. I sure do love partner figures and there's just something indescribably great when they form weapons. This Quake toy is the subject of a good amount of derision among the Transformers fan community. Instead of a brand new mold, or using a better suited mold, Quake is a very heavy remold of Legacy Skullgrin. There's so many new parts, you can't help but to wonder why they didn't use another toy as the base.

I do admit that the robot mode is pretty faithful to traditional Quake, so I'm not bothered. I even like it... but I've always had a soft spot for Quake after carrying around a bootleg of him with me for awhile a long time ago. It was purchased randomly and somehow found it's way into the messenger bag that went everywhere with me. Quake is decently articulated and does make for a good update of that G1 toy. The orignal figure was a little flat in robot mode and that's replicated here. I've always liked his colors. Heater and Tiptop are new molds that strongly resemble their G1 counterparts. The two are not articulated and convert very simply into guns for Quake to use. They can also combine into a larger gun by plugging one into the other. As guns they can be held or mounted in vehicle mode. Like other recent Targetmaster toys, I wish recolors of these would be available in blind bags. That would be a super fun thing to buy, you know? There used to be Micron/Mini-Con blind boxes and I loved them. I'm sure I've brought this idea up before, it's a hill I'm prepared to die on.

Transformation to tank mode is a trying process. I found Skullgrin (and Cybertronian Trooper) to be relatively easy to transform. Despite being made from the same skeleton, Quake transforms quite differently. His body fold up and the tank treads fold out from his legs to wrap around the base. It's an odd transformation that I did not care for. It was frustrating ad those tank treads seeming got hung up on themselves before magically being in place. I have no clue what happened either. One second they were a jumbled mess, and then it was finished. The tank is oddly proportioned and seemingly the target of that fan derision I talked about prior. I think it's serviceable and you can put the Targetmasters at different posts which does help the alt out. Overall, I like Quake quite a bit, even if the transformation and tank is weird. Maybe I should put him in my sling bag for old times sake.

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