robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, February 19, 2024

Be careful, it's Monday

It's the start of another week on Zone Base. Thanks for coming back and reading! My weekend was pretty restful, though I think a little more sleep would be great. The Mrs and I stayed home for the most part, but I did get out for a little bit and picked up a few things. Well, prior to going out, I had The Mandelorian from the new Star Wars Epic Hero Series on our grocery order. This is a new series of 4" figures at a fairly low cost. I had been interested since seeing them online and now I've clearly got the bug. I'll be including one a week on my grocery order for the time being. 

A quick run for some stuff included a stop at Target where I picked up a Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron blind box. Not to be outdone, I finally found the new Turtles of Grayskull figures and picked up Donatello. On the Transformers front I found the Gamer Edition Starscream. The first quarter of the year can be tricky for toy purchases, but I get by. With my birthday around the corner, I also know some additional fun is on the way.

Well, I suppose it's time to stop watching Beast Machines on the TF channel and get some stuff done around the house. Thank you for reading Zone Base. As usual, there's a fun week planned. Please share the site with your friends and mutal high fives all around!

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