robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, September 11, 2023

Change into Monday

The evil Monday has reared it's head once again, forcing the good people of weekend to retreat into their caves. Fortunately the forces of Zone Base are here to help you until the end of this dreaded work week. I didn't do much this weekend and really don't mind that at all. Plenty of rest was had and dang that was great. While the weekly trips to Target and Walmart didn't provide any new Toxitron collection Transformers or any new Transformers in general, I did score 2 Micro Galaxy Squadron blind boxes from series 3. Really happy to see the line continuing as I thought it was dying out. I hardly see anything after the initial toys here. Hooray for Inch Men!

Sunday was spent with much playing of The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages on my Nintendo Switch and some healthy napping. It was a good day. Later on, Mom came over for Sunday dinner. She brought a salad and some fruit while the Mrs cooked a Chef Boyardee pizza. It's such a good meal when prepared right and the Mrs always does. Well, September is starting and we're firmly into the Halloween season. I can see that you're all enjoying the Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem here on the site. There's two more months of madness and I'm practically falling over myself with love for the spooky stuff making its way onto store shelves. Code Orange is ending as the proper Spooky Season begins and its so much fun to see Walmart, Target, and the other stores stock up with masks and make up kits.

It's Monday. I suppose it's time to finish my tube of Glo-Gurt and get the week started. Thank you for continuing to support Zone Base. I'm very appreciative of all the new readers that have been coming since summer. It's just a podunk little fan blog, but it's nice to see all of you enjoying it. If you could, please share it with your friends and let's all try to have a great week.

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