robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, August 29, 2022

Weekly Update 8/29/22

That new SD Gundam game has had me thinking a lot about Doozy Bots lately. I absolutely would have loved Doozy Bots... I need to get that game! Speaking things I need to get, it's time to get... *ahem* It's a new week here on Planet Zone!

The Mrs and I took in quite a bit of new Halloween merchandise at Target and Dollar Tree this weekend. It's not all up, but a good bit was! So cool, there's some great new stuff this year. Walmart has a very tiny amount, but more is on the way. We've been watching 'let's shop' videos and as usual our stores are a little behind others. I'm thankful that Walmart and Target seem to be getting back to having most of it ready by Labor Day. In recent years they've gotten away from it, but thankfully not this year. 

As far as toys go, I got a Micro Machines Transformers blind set at Target. They had Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron stuff, but I'm holding just a little longer to get some. With all the Transformers out right now, I'm trying to be a little responsible with my spending. I got a Barbatos Lupus Rex Gunpla for a great price at Hobby Lobby. They've got boxed models 40% off currently, not bad!

Walmart I picked up Burn Out and Blurr from the Velocitron Speedia 500 set. Just need Cosmos and Override to get them all! There's more TF out there, but that's all at my stores. After I get reasonably caught up, I'll focus on some other stuff I'm wanting to get. I also got an organization case to store my TF Micro Machines at Hobby Lobby. Little toys demand proper storage. Usually I opt for plastic shoeboxes, but I decided to use the same bead organizers I use for Mega Construx MOTU. 

Hopefully I'll have a new episode of Transform Squadron out this week. If anything it'll be recorded and submitted to TF Radio. Halloween is in full swing here on the Base. Thanks to each and every one of you for continuing to support Zone Base. I know theres bigger and better sites out there, so it means so much to me that you take time to read my little podunk site. Please, if you could, share with your friends. I don't have any any ads or begging, I do this for fun. I like to think we're all enjoying our hobbies together here and on the show. So that's all I ask. Thanks for reading!

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