robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Whirl And His Turbo Talon

While out getting groceries, I was fortunate to stumble upon the new Turbo Changer Whirl. I had been looking forward to getting this toy and after Shawn showed me his, definitely wanted to pick one up. I don't know if Whirl will get any other size class release in Cyberverse (aside from a Tiny Turbo Changer), but honestly am pretty happy with this one. Every positive thing I've been saying about Turbo Changers in Cyberverse is true with Whirl. Very old school style super robot toy, in a  small easy to transform figure. I love the blue colors used. Sure, it's traditional Whirl colors... but they look great.

Whirl turns into a helicopter as usual. I'm honestly surprised just how much he looks like his old Dorvack roots while still being a new toy. Transformation is done by moving the cockpit down and adjusting the parts, in reverse for helicopter mode. His right arm is molded to portray one of Whirl's classic hand mounted guns, while the left has his tried and true claws. This is where the Turbo Talon gimmick comes in with a lever allowing you to open and close said claw. I'm not sure what makes this a Turbo Talon, but I guess it's a better name than 'move switch talon'.

Whirl is pretty simple, what you see is what you get. Though as Shawn pointed out, it's nice how his helicopter blades lock in place in robot mode onto the tail end of that copter. He's a good figure to fiddle with while watching TV or stand next to your Genesis Mini during a game of Land Crusader. Part of me wishes somebody would turn the toy into a Pretender. I want to believe it could compactly fit into a shell. I do believe it could. I uh... somebody do that... k?

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