robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Cyberverse trailer

As Cyberverse's debut draws closer, of course we're getting more and more sneak peaks and I'm pretty happy for that. The show looks great. It looks to have solid writing and I do really like the big bright characters. I know the line certainly has it's share of critics, but I'm not one of them. I like the visual direction and don't mind the lines concessions (I do understand why the folks who aren't happy with it, it's not for everyone). Right now it's coming up pretty positive for me, I'm really looking forward to the show. I understand it's premiering on the 1st of September on Cartoon Network, which is a perfect fit for a holiday weekend, but I've not been able to set my DVR for it yet. So, I'm checking the listings every day for the chance to set those record options.

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