
Monday, July 24, 2023

More Monday, More Violence!

It's Monday again and a new week on Planet Zone has begun! I had a good weekend that I'm sad to see over. The Mrs and I did some more Halloween shopping. Neon is appearing to be a big theme in this years stuff and I find that awesome. Between the Toxitron Transformers and that... neon is a vibe I can get behind. It's one of those times I was accidentally psychic when coming up with the looks of the Halloween party here on the site. That's gonna be starting soon, hope you're all ready for Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem 2023!

Unfortunately I didn't find any Toxitron Transformers this weekend, but didn't come out empty handed. Studio Series Airrazor and Earthspark Warrior Class Jawbreaker now have a home. Speaking of Earthspark, new episodes are hitting Paramount Plus this week! I've got a fun week of content planned for you all, thank you for continuing to support Zone Base. If you could, please share posts with your friends and like and follow us on social media. 

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